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Volunteers of America - Homeless and At-Risk Veterans

BY KfnqDuxw

The Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (SSVF) promotes housing stability among very low-income veteran families who reside in or are transitioning to permanent housing. Through the SSVF program, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs aims to improve the housing stability of very low-income veteran families by providing intensive case management and assisting participants to obtain VA benefits and other public benefits including: Vocational and rehabilitation counseling Employment and training services Educational assistance Health care services Daily living services Personal financial planning service Transportation services Income support services Fiduciary and representative payee services Legal services Child care services Housing counseling services Other supportive services, including third party payments to landlords, utility companies, moving companies, and eligible child care providers

A member of a veteran family: either a veteran, a member of a family in which the head of household is a veteran, or the spouse of the head of household is a veteran, Very low-income: household income cannot exceed 50 percent of area median income, Occupy permanent housing in one of three categories: 1) Is residing in permanent housing 2) Is homeless and is scheduled to become a resident of permanent housing within 90 days 3) Has exited permanent housing within the previous 90 days to seek alternative low-income housing

3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY 94102









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