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Daymark Recovery Services of Newland, NC

BY KfnqDuxw

Services: Youth- Day treatment program: Day Treatment is the name of the service provided to children/adolescents whose behaviors are severe enough that it is making it difficult for them to function in a typical academic setting in their community school. The service is provided in a separate classroom or building, is designed to be temporary and is structured to improve the childs behavioral and coping skills so that they can return to their community school within eighteen months. Intensive In Home: Daymark Intensive In-Home (IIH) services operate as a team approach designed to address the identified needs of children and adolescents, who due to serious and chronic symptoms of an emotional, behavioral, and/or substance use disorders, are unable to remain stable in the community without intensive interventions. Adult- Assertive Community Treatment: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team consists of a community-based group of medical, behavioral health, and rehabilitation professionals who use a team approach to meet the needs of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. Mobile Medication Program: Mobile Medication Program (MMP) is a home visiting medication support, education, and skill-building initiative serving adults with sever psychiatric illness that have trouble remembering to take their medications. Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Psycho Social Rehabilitation is designed to help members learn skills that will help them live in the community without hospitalization. While in the program, individuals learn daily living skills, socialization skills, educational skills, vocational skills, and how to organize their lives. Residential Treatment Program: provides a comprehensive array of services to adults, both men and women (Age 18+) coping with addiction and related disorders, providing both high and low intensity residential care and treatment. Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient: Daymark SAIOP involves a series of structured individual, family, and group activities and services provided on an outpatient basis designed to assist adult and adolescent clients with addiction disorders to begin recovery and learn skills for recovery maintenance.

3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY 94102









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