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Shoes and Coat Program

BY KfnqDuxw

Coat and Shoe Program: Provides one coat and hoodie a year for each child referred. Contact Chase Stewart to get connected for a child in need. Drop Out Prevention Program: At Communities In Schools, we work hand in hand with schools, communities and families to surround our students with a caring network of support to help them stay in school and succeed in life. Non-academic assistance: Connecting young people with a host of services: healthcare, housing, nutrition, resulting in students more prepared to learn. Assistance provided: One-to-one mentoring: Instilling the confidence to succeed, the belief that education creates opportunity, and setting the expectation for success.Tutoring and academic support: Increasing academic performance and building confidence.Family assistance & parent engagement: Ensuring children have a supportive home life, and that parents have access to the services they need.Out-of-school enrichment & service learning: Strengthening the resiliency of children to succeed by expanding their understanding of what the world has to offer.

How to get started:
School Site Coordinators are located within school system to assess need of each individual student, must be referred by the school system.

Must be a school aged child in SWVA

3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY 94102



8:00am - 4:30pm

8:00am - 4:30pm

8:00am - 4:30pm

8:00am - 4:30pm

8:00am - 4:30pm


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3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY
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2nd Saturday (10AM to Noon) or the 4th (3rd in November & December) Thursday (Noon to 2PM). One Wednesday per month deliver boxed non perishables
3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY
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3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY
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3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY
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