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Clinch Valley Comprehensive Treatment Center - Health Care

BY KfnqDuxw

Clinch Valley/Tazewell Comprehensive Treatment Center provides medication assisted treatment to individuals aged 18 and older who are struggling with an opioid addiction. Our dedicated team of highly qualified healthcare professionals provides patients with a comprehensive treatment approach to treat the emotional and physical components of addiction in order to promote long-term recovery.

How to get started:
Call to schedule and intake. Paperwork to confirm eligibility and to document personal history. This documentation will include questions about patients’ treatment history, psychiatric history, medical history, and related issues. A physical examination with one of our physicians. This examination will include a drug test and a TB test. Patients who provide proof of having taken a TB test within the previous two years will not have to take another test during their intake assessment. Female patients will be required to take a pregnancy test.

Must be age 18 or older. Must have been dependent upon opioids for at least one year. Must be in a state of withdrawal for at least 20 to 24 hours (unless pregnant).

3137 Laguna Street San Francisco, NY 94102


5:00am - 1:00pm

5:00am - 1:00pm

5:00am - 1:00pm

5:00am - 1:00pm

5:00am - 1:00pm

5:00am - 1:00pm

5:00am - 1:00pm

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